Quotes about spurring (10 Quotes)

    What we thought was going to save the Highlands may be spurring more growth. It will be the people of North Jersey who suffer with more pollution, more sprawl and more flooding.

    The scene in Alabama was the latest evidence of the growing political clout of blacks across the country. The energy that once created protests has been channeled into politics, spurring impressive victories at the polls, a steady surge in black voter registration and serious debate about whether a black should run for President in 1984. Replacing the old guard of civil rights activists, black mayors are emerging as a powerful force in national politics and public policy. Black leaders marvel that for the first time in a decade, there is a vibrant sense of momentum in the black community. Back in 1970 we used to say that politics was the new cutting edge of the civil rights movement, ... Thirteen years later, we're beginning to really believe it.

    Lower budget deficits are the surest and most direct way to increase national saving. Higher national saving would help to lower real interest rates, spurring spending on capital goods so as to put cutting-edge technology in the hands of more American workers,

    We're very pleased with the Supreme Court's decision to uphold the law, allowing us to continue creating the jobs and spurring economic development important to the people all across the state.

    The temperature of the gulf, which I believe is 1 or 2 degrees higher than normal, clearly has been a factor for the power of these hurricanes, and it seems to be spurring discussion about what we need to do to address sea-level rise, coastal storms and a

    Still, even when you concede that Sarbanes-Oxley performed a public service--by spurring companies to clean up their acts--the fact remains that the law has created inequities, especially for small companies. Even Oxley himself has begun backpedaling. In a recent speech in London, he recalled the hothouse atmosphere ... a bit more flexibility for small and medium-size companies.

    Low unemployment numbers are clear indicators that Republican tax relief and economic policies are spurring growth and helping businesses hire new workers while providing American families with job security.

    Competition is most definitely spurring on the mobile operators. They have never been so aggressive in rolling out new services. Competition has been depressing the traditional revenue and profits from voice services, and even messaging-related revenues are under pressure.

    I think it was actually good for the nation, spurring recognition that every vote counts. We realize it's a numbers game. You take a controversial election, combine it with controversial policies, and you create an environment that will get people out to vote.

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