Quotes about stampede (16 Quotes)

    With the affidavits of 12 ABS-CBN officials and personalities, which were submitted on Friday night, we are now evaluating and wrapping up the investigation on the stampede.

    The last couple of years we've had a lot of guys go in the first round at receiver, mostly bigger receivers, and there has certainly been a trend and a little bit of a stampede to get those kind of guys. It seems like there are fewer of them this year.

    If there are danger signs brewing ... that make people very, very nervous, I don't see anything that could prevent the same kind of mood (as Black Monday's) from reappearing. It's clear that you don't need a very concrete, cut-and-dried kind of trigger to make people stampede if they're in the mood to be stampeded.

    What we did not address in TOPOFF3 was the question of panic, ... If the public thinks they're exposed to a life-threatening agent, they're not going to stand in long, orderly lines and wait to go through narrow doors to get their pills or shots. They're going to stampede.

    We leave to the proper authorities the prosecution of those who would be found liable for the Ultra stampede as well as the implementation of the corrective measures to prevent a repeat of this tragedy, based on the recommendations of the fact-finding board.

    The only life worth living is the adventurous life. Of such a life the dominant characteristic is that it is unafraid. If is unafraid of what other people think ... It does not adapt either its pace or its objectives to the pace and objectives of its neighbors. It thinks its own thoughts, it reads its own books, it developed its own hobbies, and it is governed by its own conscience. The herd may graze where it pleases or stampede where it pleases, but he who lives the adventurous life will remain unafraid when he finds himself alone.

    After I got news of the stampede, my wife and I could not sleep throughout of the night. We tried till 1 a.m. to talk to my father but could not get through.

    When people tell me to 'get started,' I think they are being incredibly blunt and presumptuous. Not everyone has their planets lined up for marriage and kids by their mid-30s and why should there be a stampede of bad choices because of external social pressures and bald biological fact.

    I have tried to accommodate a lot of people including some unattached people, which I shouldn't have done. I should have said no right from the beginning, but once you open a crack in the door, the next thing you know there's a stampede and I'm laying on

    The powers in charge keep us in a perpetual state of fear keep us in a continuous stampede of patriotic fervor with the cry of grave national emergency. Always there has been some terrible evil to gobble us up if we did not blindly rally behind it by furnishing the exorbitant sums demanded. Yet, in retrospect, these disasters seem never to have happened, seem never to have been quite real.

    I won't be surprised if he wins the award. In my opinion, he is the best player in the state of Minnesota. We are definitely looking forward to his return to the Stampede as we pursue both the Anderson and Clark Cup championships.

    The decision or act of offering so few tickets to so many people can be likened to throwing a small slice of meat to a hungry pack of wolves and this triggered the stampede.

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