Quotes about standalone (16 Quotes)

    And now that he's graduated to hardcover and 11-city book tour status, he's found there's a real advantage to the standalone novels that Dutton suggested he write. You can explore broader themes in a standalone novel, ... You can put your character through much greater levels of hell.

    I had started writing the fourth Whit Mosley book, ... I was 40 pages into it, and then Dutton asked me if I would consider writing a standalone. The series novel can do a lot to build a loyal readership, but the standalone is sometimes easier for the publisher to market to a broader audience.

    Now that Neenah is a standalone company, it gives us the opportunity to be fresh thinkers, enhance our premium positioning and be environmentally responsible, ... We wanted to build a workspace that reflected us as a unique type of paper company with new thinking and ideas. I'm ecstatic that we've done that.

    One of the key UTM trends we identified was the evolution of security appliance form factors as the standalone 'black box' is increasingly being replaced by blades and cards for high-performance security switches, ... This evolution is clear in Crossbeam's very successful best-of-breed UTM switches as their fusion of networking and security plays directly into the needs of major enterprises and service providers, a portion of the UTM market where today Crossbeam largely stands alone.

    Our decision to partner with Silver Lake to take the company private represents the culmination of a thorough review of our standalone plan and strategic alternatives, ... We believe this is the best value proposition for our shareholders.

    Tape drives are traditionally launched as a standalone product first, and then it takes the automation vendors three to six months to integrate the product into their libraries and autoloaders. We didn't think that made sense, so the DLT-S4 is available as both a stand-alone drive and in the PX720 library.

    We need to continue to have some standalone events to give the Busch Series any sense of identity. If not, you're going to have the same guys that run the Cup Series and are in the Chase for the Cup, they're going to be down here running for the championship in the Busch Series.

    Many companies that purchased Demand Solutions in the last 12 months had a large, ineffective system that was standalone or part of a broader ERP. Those systems either became too costly to support or simply failed to produce a reliable company forecast or demand plan. Demand Solutions is a resource for these companies. Our sales, implementation, training and global support can have operations back on track inside of three months.

    Europe seems to be behind the curve in some places, with much lower expected revenue growth than North America and Asia Pacific in some key emerging services like spam, content filtering, and network AV. European and Asia Pacific providers currently get the bulk of their revenue from standalone services, while North American providers get the bulk of revenue from integrated services.

    I come from the record side of the music business and doing a standalone soundtrack has been an intriguing idea for some time. But many of them are not that successful. We were waiting for the right opportunity.

    Developers will always play an important role in the application lifecycle, but the ALM and IDE markets are very different -- requiring distinct business models, different operational and marketing structures and a focused RD team. Both markets are important, but Borland can no longer give both the resources and attention they require. Therefore, Borland has chosen to focus wholly on its ALM business, while acting in the best interests of the development community. Our intention is to create a standalone business focused on advancing individual developer productivity.

    Call of Duty 2 is nothing short of spectacular. The visuals are stunning and the authentic weapons, battles, and missions make this one incredible game with a level of sophistication and detail not seen in other mobile games. We have optimized the Call of Duty experience for the mobile user, making it not only a companion to the console version, but a standalone, complete mobile gaming experience in its own right.

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