Quotes about starrs (7 Quotes)

    Because we have not been informed what the nature and scope of Mr. Starr's testimony will be, it is difficult to predict with any certainty just how long it will take to conduct a full an fair examination. I understand however that Mr. Starr has been allocated two hours for an uninterrupted presentation, ... We submit that anything less than 90 minutes would unfairly constrain our ability to explore the basis for Mr. Starr's testimony and for any conclusions he may proffer.

    Congressional committees used to have to build a substantial case of presidential involvement in wrongdoing before they could get much leverage on the White House. With Ken Starr's legacy, congressional committees will have a strong club with which to beat the president.

    The Supreme Court acted appropriately today rejecting Mr. Starr's attempt to bypass the traditional appeals process on the subject of attorney-client privilege, ... Contrary to Mr. Starr's claims, the governmental attorney-client privilege is not a 'new' privilege. It is well established that confidentiality is the cornerstone of all attorney-client communications.

    I think it would have been smarter had the attorney general, looking at the many years of Starr's involvement and the public perception, which is adverse to Starr ... let someone else come in, ... Fox News Sunday.

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