Quotes about steamrolled (8 Quotes)

    One play did something to turn it around. We're all over that thing, and we miss an opportunity to make a play. They go down and score, and it just steamrolled.

    I watched the video. Someone would have to show me how pursuing the puck is putting yourself in a vulnerable position. He did nothing but pursue the puck. Somebody got in behind him and steamrolled him into the boards in a vulnerable position. I disagree

    That first set, he steamrolled me, ... He was hitting the lines. He wasn't missing anything. But I tried not to get too down. I just looked for a little chink in the armor. In the second set, I tried to execute a little better, take it too him because defense was not doing it.

    We have a very young team and we got down early and it steamrolled after that. They had a blocked punt for a touchdown and we looked like a deer in headlights in the first half and they just made some plays and we had trouble getting anything going.

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