Quotes about stephanopoulos (3 Quotes)

    And after Mr. Stephanopoulos made the statement, he had a series ofdiscussions ... not just with Mr. Paul Begala, but with Rahm Emanuel, Ann Lewis, Mike McCurry and yes, Sid Blumenthal, ... Begala, James Carville, all of them were in contact with each other ... a flurry of communications over Mr. Stephanopoulos' statement. We've asked to depose these people. And not unexpectedly, the government has yet ... once again ... come in to try to block the depositions.

    Kerry economic adviser Bob Rubin, who presumably had a large role in crafting Kerry's remarks today, appeared on 'This Week' with George Stephanopoulos last Sunday and also said the Kerry plan won't stop outsourcing.

    The indictment today has big implications for the Republican Party and the President. And ABC's George Stephanopoulos joins us. George, Mr. Delay says he's the victim of a, quote, 'political witch-hunt,' by a, quote, 'partisan fanatic.' Is any part of that true

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