Quotes about stitched (8 Quotes)

    I think we were all taken aback by the impact that Peter's illness and death had on the broader organization. As much as we knew Peter was stitched into the fabric of ABC News, I don't think we understood the extent of it.

    It's the first time we've had a physician with us. It's a good thing we did because he stitched Spencer up at halftime or we wouldn't have had him otherwise.

    I've got a very poor opinion as it turns out now, because we've been stitched up in the transaction in relation to Pacific National, which has really broken down the trust that I would have in a business partner,

    He had to have his hand stitched together. I mean, jeez, calm down. Before the game, doctors were coming in there like something happened and he had to have his hand stitched up. I've heard it all, now.

    I think I must have too much to eat, we were doing a scene where we were crawling, and I ripped my trousers. I was very embarrassed. I was sown in, stitched in, quickly!

    The question about those aromatic advertisements that perfume companies are having stitched into magazines these days is this: under the freedoms guaranteed by the First Amendment, is smelling up the place a constitutionally protected form of expression?

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