Quotes about stm (4 Quotes)

    His aunt lives right down the street from school and he had been to STM before as a player in our Sunkist basketball tournament, ... He showed up the morning of our Labor Day practice.

    There are stocks out there (that are falling) that have little to do with chip making. ... ARM designs chips for the mobile market and STM makes chips for mobiles, a totally different market to Intel, but they're being wiped out along with telecom stocks.

    The company is confident in its technology leadership position and sees the ophthalmic community's enthusiastic response to the recently approved VISX STAR S3(TM) laser system reaffirming this view.

    Next week we have a raft of earnings in the tech sector, with STM, Philips and Nokia. We have got to see evidence that if the bad news is not turning into good news, then at least the bad news is slowing.

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