Quotes about strickland (8 Quotes)

    (Strickland) has more money than the other candidates. He's an excellent campaigner. Barring any unexpected event, he'll be impossible to catch. I think Ted can win in November.

    It got to that point in the late 1970s, early 1980s the president at that point wanted to incorporate a top-notch basketball program. I think Rod Strickland got a few of his friends to come and we offered scholarships to them and slowly over the next 20 years we have developed the No. 1 basketball program in the country.

    Their big girl was on Carly and it was tough on her, but she did a nice job of passing, and Brittany Strickland made some big shots. Hertford County beat Wilson Hunt and Rocky Mount, and their record doesn't show it, but they are a good team.

    Coty Strickland had shoulder surgery in January, but came to practice every day. He got himself in playing shape for February and was in the starting lineup. It's a great accomplishment for him.

    (Strickland) was scrambling for his life the whole game. But he found his guys and they kept going. We did a lot of things wrong and there's going to be some changes made.

    I don't know what happened. I was trying to box out Strickland, but something hit me, and my whole body went numb. I kind of forgot where I was at for a little while.

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