Quotes about strother (8 Quotes)

    I thought Ann Strother really picked it up and took over the game, which a senior should do. She's been a great player at Connecticut and she did a great job (Tuesday).

    Strother is one of those impact players that makes them when you need them. I can't think of anybody we'd rather have shooting the ball. When we get Ann off and running like that, it gives everybody else so much confidence. All of a sudden a three-point game becomes an 11-point game and everybody takes a sigh of relief. It makes everyone around her a better player. She's pretty special when it comes to big moments in games.

    I don't know if we have played a team this year that was harder to play then Georgia was in every area of the game. For us to get down 15 and come back and win the game, I feel really good about these two Turner and Strother because of the time and effort that they put into it.

    Nerves are not an issue. To me, Ann Strother is a perfect example of someone who came in here as a freshman and was never afraid to take the big shot, to have the ball in crucial situations. Some kids are just different and they have it in them. She does.

    It was a good adjustment to put Strother in there. They stepped it up and put the pressure on.The question was to weather it. They made it real difficult for us. We played them close for a while.

    (Strother) just had that confidence that she thought she was going to knock it in. (Sunday) she had that hot hand and it pretty much carried us in the second half. We've been looking for somebody that's going to step up and make those big shots. She did it (Sunday). And to her credit, that's why we won.

    I think shooters just go up and down. (Strother) hasn't been shooting well the past couple of games, but she'll come out of it. It's just a matter of time. It's Ann. She's a great shooter I'm not worried about her at all.

    When you look at the total work that Strother has done in the four years that she's been here, her and Diana are the only ones who have been able to accomplish some things that she's accomplished.

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