Quotes about subculture (15 Quotes)

    As the years went by and jazz got more popular and social conditions changed, you were able to have jazz as a topic introduced into the music curriculum in universities, ... I think that one thing that hip-hop and jazz have in common is that they are both coming out of the minority subculture and we've faced some of the same problems. They are attacked in different ways . . . but they are a minority in a majority culture, so they are unfortunately discriminated against by the larger portion of the majority community.

    This demonstrates their resolve and courage to impact us, to create fear. But it also is aimed at their own audience, their own constituents to demonstrate their prowess to their own warrior subculture.

    This is not just about homosexuality or homosexual acts -- it's about an agenda and subculture that is in direct conflict with the teachings of the Catholic Church, ... Goodbye, Good Men How liberals Brought Corruption Into the Catholic Church.

    From the outside you look at these contestants and think 'get a life,' but within certain subcultures and we're all in one that looks strange to the outside if you're a part of that rabid fan community, this is one of the ways you express it and rise to the top of that subculture.

    In any culture, subculture, or family in which belief is valued above thought, and self-surrender is valued above self-expression, and conformity is valued above integrity, those who preserve their self-esteem are likely to be heroic exceptions.

    I feel that Christian music is a subculture directed towards the Christians. It's not really being exposed to non-Christians and it's not really created for non-Christians, so non-Christians almost never hear any of this music.

    Satan is the great deceiver we know that. But this means that self-proclaimed Satanists, occultists, Wiccans, etc. are his weakest soldiers They are and always will be part of the subculture. Most people look at them, recognize them, and look away. Satan's most effective warriors are in the mainstream Misguided, apathetic Joe and Jane Schmos who work in the office next to yours. They live normal lives. But their minds are deceived and their lives are permeated by subtle, socially acceptable, ungodly attitudes. Such innocent Satanists have the greatest influence in our world. Is it possible that some of Satan's strongest influence comes even through members of Christ's church

    Nobody thought a skateboarder could get endorsement deals. There is a product for every subculture. Mountain Dew sells to extreme athletes. Deodorant is being sold to urban markets with rappers.

    No, I'm not a comic book guy. I'm pretty fascinated with the subculture though and I do think that the world of comic books is such a natural transition into film.

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