Quotes about substantiate (16 Quotes)

    We've seen the allegation, but we have not seen any information to substantiate what would seem to us to be rather bald assertions. And we would also note that Saudi Arabia is a party to the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, under which it has agreed not to obtain nuclear weapons.

    It has hurt the organization that he didn't stay there, ... but Habitat the corporation decided that it was just too dicey even if there wasn't enough in the allegations to substantiate them. Also, I think Millard and Linda Fuller, the entrepreneurs didn't feel warm and fuzzy about the move to a corporate approach to a not-for-profit entity.

    We have not found any evidence or data either within the Ministry of Health or within the Fraser Health Authority that would appear to substantiate that particular suggestion, so we're following up now with the authors of the report to find out exactly what they meant.

    If the Fish and Wildlife Service does undertake a rigorous, scientific process to peer review this, they will have no choice but to reject this proposal from the state of Idaho. The conclusions were reached prior to the state obtaining the data and the data does not scientifically substantiate the conclusions.

    We believe there's solid information to substantiate clandestine Iranian efforts to develop weapons of mass destruction and delivery systems, and this is something we've been saying for quite some time,

    Representative Barr has made a series of unsubstantiated charges against the White House, ... He should either substantiate the charges or refrain from any further inflammatory statements. It is his duty as a member of Congress, it is his duty as a member of the Judiciary Committee to not engage in innuendo, personal attacks or spreading vile gossip. In short, produce some evidence or get away from the cameras.

    Their results are noteworthy for consideration, but in a majority of instances they can be explained. All of these circumstances are valid reasons for concern, but they do not on face value substantiate that the machines are not reliable.

    Because of our belief that the facts will ultimately support a position of coverage for Ethel Adams, and because the Washington Department of Insurance has asked us to take action, we will on this occasion act based on our own circumstantial information and in the belief that the facts, once released to us, will also support coverage for Adams. We are confident in this case that the police report and surveillance tape will substantiate the circumstantial evidence we have. We look forward to getting this information.

    Penn State strongly believes the conduct of the university in this matter was legitimate, non-discriminatory and non-retaliatory. And the facts do not substantiate the claims made in this lawsuit.

    It's very clear that for the last four years, when we've seen an increase it's primarily been in men and predominantly in men who have sex with men, ... We know that's being fueled by increases in high-risk sexual behavior. We have good data to substantiate that.

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