Quotes about subtracted (5 Quotes)

    If we had had Pettitte last year, we might have won the World Series. He's that important. He's that valuable. To have him healthy this year, even though we kind of subtracted some pieces offensively, I think the addition of Pettitte cancels those out.

    Since the appropriations are expenditures of water and sewer surplus funds, they have the effect of reducing the water and sewer fund balance. These appropriations should be subtracted from the fund balance.

    . . . as she moved from table to table, endeavoring to understand the gambling games, she realized that either her memory was at fault or Hollywood had carelessly added an apocryphal glitter and subtracted an essential gloom.

    She subtracted from public knowledge by introducing this unknown source whose name she couldn't remember. It's almost like the gaps in the Nixon tapes.

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