Quotes about superdome (16 Quotes)

    To see the horrific images of the dead lying in the street unattended, bodies floating aimlessly face down in the water and Americans with no choice but to relieve themselves on the field of the Superdome - it boggles the mind that such depraved conditions descended on one of America's great cities,

    We are delighted that Tom Benson decided to return to New Orleans and play the 2006 season in the Superdome. This was a very positive step in our rebuilding efforts and has already provided an enormous boost to the spirits of our community. Our group will work closely with the Saints to provide support at all levels -- selling suites and season tickets, identifying creative sponsorship arrangements, and generally working as hard as we can to help them succeed here.

    It's very difficult to know what went on in the Superdome because reports were so widespread and varied ... The health community was moving rapidly and successfully in being able to establish centers for health care and people received remarkable care under the circumstances.

    Once again, a day late and a dollar short, words of wisdom from our President. And once again, Bush finds the photo op matching pictures shown Some black folks to hug, some white men to bond with. He flies over the messy parts of New Orleans, waves and leaves. The President has put himself at risk by visiting the troops in Iraq, but didn't venture anywhere near the Superdome or the convention center, where thousands of victims, mostly black and poor, needed to see that he gave a damn.

    I am glad that he came and showed that he cared. We were treated so bad in the Superdome, it wasn't funny. I am so glad to be here to get some help and see that people do care.

    Our job is to be part of the recovery of the economy. We realize that there will have to be a reassessment of the Superdome and issues like rebuilding the levees will take first priority. But it is our hope that major league football remains in New Orleans on both the college and professional level. I don't want to speculate any more beyond this year, except to say that the Sugar Bowl will still be around.

    I was preaching to the people at the Superdome because they were only looking after themselves, not after each other, and I told them, 'God wants you to help each other. You have to help each other or you will all die.'

    We didn't know if she had died or was still alive and had been transferred to the Superdome. We didn't even get to see her body. It was a closed casket. That was pretty hard on me. I really looked up to her.

    While the situation in the Superdome was nightmarish and not satisfactory to anyone involved, it was not a life-and-death situation and we had to focus our priorities where we could,

    The Superdome has been one of the greatest sports facility investment a community has ever made, ... But it would be significantly diminished if the Saints left.

    You don't have to be a brain surgeon to figure out that we want to play where we practice, ... We'd prefer to play in Louisiana, of course. But that's not going to happen this year. We'd like to play in the Superdome, but that's not possible. So we'd prefer to be here, so we can see our families on Saturday. We don't see a lot of them during the week.

    It's not a time for anarchy or trying to make a buck. My real concern is the impoverished people waiting in their houses to be picked up or waiting at the Superdome to get out of the city.

    We know it's going to be difficult, but we're seeking to have the Saints play all eight of their home games at the Superdome in 2006. There's a short time to get renovations done. Hopefully, we can have the Saints back in the community as soon as possible.

    The business model for the Saints needs to be changed. It needs to be expanded. I think a fresh look has to be taken at the (Louisiana Superdome) lease arrangements, the master agreement arrangements. From my perspective, they were flawed.

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