Quotes about supplemental (16 Quotes)

    The biggest problem for most people is affording the health care they need, even with Medicare, ... People are telling us they can't afford to get the care they need, because Medicare supplemental policies are too expensive, medications are too expensive, and they are having trouble with special needs if they are in HMOs.

    The commoditization of IT labor by Fortune 500 companies will foster the growth of union activity, ... Price controls and margin controls are forcing providers of contract IT personnel to establish non-benefited classes of employees. IBM Global Services has created such a class it calls 'supplemental.' Supplemental employees get no benefits, no participation in 401-K programs, no profit sharing. They are not protected in any way.

    The reason that these congressional relief measures are always done as supplemental appropriations is the idea that these are unpredictable acts of God ... we need to overcome our collective denial about natural disaster and we need to budget for it and prepare for it, and if we did, we'd have a more civil and just society.

    Science and engineering students typically have the most expensive books, with their editions tending to be updated frequently and having supplemental materials like CD-ROMs. Some of my books are expensive, ... I usually get book vouchers from my loans and use that money to buy books from the bookstore.

    There are sectors of the world awash in money and venture capital, ... But if you are a woman with a minimum-wage job who has been catering birthday parties for supplemental income, the world is not awash in capital for you.

    It is clear that North Dakota, and the Red River Valley, desperately need a supplemental source of water before the next drought strikes. The question becomes, how can the residents of the valley promise future generations a better way of life, without a plan in place to address the critical water issues

    I am certain more emergency supplemental bills will be needed before this process is concluded. In fact, there is a point I have repeated several times recently which keeps the enormity of this situation in perspective.

    Lance and I were talking, and it would have been an amazing end to our college careers and the beginning for hopefully a long MLS career. But I'm almost positive he'll be taken in that supplemental draft in a week or so.

    As fighting in Iraq intensifies, President Bush delivered his supplemental war budget to Congress. The money will cover 30 days of fighting, then we'll be sent one war every other month until we cancel our subscription.

    Our Nation must provide sufficient access to healthcare, adequate benefits, and the supplemental resources our veterans were promised and so dearly need. We owe our heroes no less.

    My request is ... that we work toward a supplemental and not wait until the election's over, but that we be serious about what is needed, ... I want to give the Army the equipment they want.

    Current nitrogen recommendations assume four things yield potential doesn't vary year after year, the yield level the soil will support without supplemental nitrogen is negligible, pre-plant nitrogen will be available throughout the growing season, and soil uniformity produces similar yield results across the field. Growers know that none of these assumptions are entirely accurate, and they can potentially be avoided using optical sensors.

    There is one final point I would like to make this week. As I said on the floor of the House during deliberation of this latest supplemental, hope is something Americans should never lose. Let each of us, both by our words and actions, continue to provide that hope.

    This is significantly less for equipment than earlier reports had suggested, which may reflect Congressional concern that the supplemental was being inappropriately used to by-pass the standard procedures required for acquiring hardware.

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