Quotes about surrogates (10 Quotes)

    Women share with men the need for personal success, even the taste of power, and no longer are we willing to satisfy those needs through the achievements of surrogates -- whether husbands, children or merely role models.

    During the first debate (the vice president) was asked whether he questioned the governor's experience, and he said 'no.' But apparently now he's trying to hide behind surrogates, which again is not the hallmark of a real leader.

    We're on the record as saying ... that Mr. Clinton and his surrogates have already engaged in perjury, subornation of perjury and obstruct of justice and that evidence gives us a right to a legal presumption that Mr. Clinton's entire case is weak and unfounded. Therefore, there was error and the case should go to a jury.

    The Texas Republican criticized any rush to a quick deal in the Senate. Before people look to cut a deal with the White House or their surrogates who will seek to influence the process, it is my hope that one would spend plenty of time in the evidence roo

    If Senator Kerry understands the nature of this threat and the need to take on terror, then he should immediately repudiate these troubling comments, and stop all efforts on behalf of his surrogates to blame America for these attacks.

    He often comes across as harsh and so having surrogates may be the best way for him to go in terms of creating a positive buzz about him as a candidate.

    This justifies our investment in the field. We've long suspected that if anyone beat us to this milestone, it would be Dr. Hwang's team -- due partly to their scientific prowess, and partly to the greater availability of canine surrogates and ova in South Korea.

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