Quotes about tacit (16 Quotes)

    While the Polaris vehicle could be useful in search and rescue missions, we are mindful of the fact that some might misinterpret acceptance of the vehicle as a tacit endorsement of smokeless tobacco products. That was never our intent. However, we concluded that it was best to remove all questions by withdrawing the request.

    Culture is the tacit agreement to let the means of subsistence disappear behind the purpose of existence. Civilization is the subordination of the latter to the former.

    In the case of the paramilitaries there was nothing written down, but there was a tacit agreement that they would not be extradited, ... Our president must now decide whether he wants to make good on his word or go along with the gringos and break off the peace process.

    A Microsoft-based WAN Optimization andor WAFS platform that offers native integration with native Microsoft security and management technologies is both unique and highly valued by enterprises that have embraced these technologies. Tacit Networks has the only WAN Optimization and WAFS solution we have seen that is able to offer this Microsoft integration to businesses.

    Typically, you don't see the government willing to sign on a cooperating defendant on the eve of the trial. This is a tacit acknowledgement by the government that their case is far from overwhelming and they are willing to take all the help they can get.

    This is a momentous case. The UK is at an important crossroads. It can reaffirm its stand against torture, which is absolutely banned, or slide towards illegality by its tacit acceptance that torture is sometimes OK.

    Such dangerous statements, particularly those of the U. S. president, widely considered in political and media circles as a tacit confirmation of the shocking news on the administration's possible contemplation of nuclear strikes against certain targets in Iran, defiantly articulate the U. S. policies and intentions on the resort to nuclear weapons.

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