Quotes about tai (13 Quotes)

    En osaa käyttää minkäänlaista keskitietä. Ollessani tekemisissä omalle luonteelleni täysin vastakkaisten, määräävien ja kovien luonteitten kanssa olen aina joko alistunut nöyrästi tai kapinoinut vimmatusti. Joskus olen nöyrtynyt melkein katkeamispisteeseen saakka, joskus purkautunut kiihkeästi kuin tulivuori.

    I was really intimidated. I was really timid. And so a lot of what Ang did with me was trying to get me grounded and I think that's why he had me do tai chi, just trying to get me settled.

    If there were a ritual dance of the androgyne, Tai chi as performed by this master could be that dance. It is neither a masculine dance nor a feminine dance. It has the strength and grace of both.

    You don't start out working to get into one, and you never really think about it, really. It's so far in the distance when you have your daily priorities, but it's nice to be considered. It's part of the journey. My only regret is that it comes at the tai

    There is nothing under the canopy of heaven greater than the tip of a bird's down in autumn, while the T'ai Mountain is small. Neither is there any longer life than that of a child cut off in infancy, while P'eng Tsu himself died young. The universe and I came into being together I and everything therein are One.

    The five excellences include calligraphy, painting, poetry, medicine, and t'ai chi chuan.

    T'ai Chi is not only good because you get a break from class and time to relax, but you get instruction from a rotation of three different professors who each have something different to contribute.

    There are three layers to the universe. In the lower, Tai Ching, and the middle, Shan Ching, the hindrance of a physical bodily existence is required. Those who fail to live consistently in accord with the Tao reside here. In the upper, Yu Ching, there is only Tao the bondage of form is broken, and the only thing existing is the exquisite energy dance of the immortal divine beings.

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