Quotes about taser (7 Quotes)

    The printout doesn't lie, ... The printout shows how many times the weapon was discharged. And the last discharge of the Taser corresponds very closely with the time he stopped breathing.

    One of the university officers had been assaulted. Somebody had punched him in the face. He was trying to arrest the person that had assaulted. Another person came up behind that officer and was pulling on that officer trying to separate him from the guy he was trying to arrest. Our officer tried to get him to back off and go away. He wouldn't. The officer hit him with a Taser,

    The ACLU is correct in that good policies and training go hand-in-hand, but it is properly the responsibility of each agency to set their own policy based upon the totality of the circumstances, for any use of force, including Taser device employment,

    In a significant number of cases in which the police taser somebody, they would have used a gun if they did not have the taser, ... Do you know what the mortality rate is when a police officer shoots Close to 100 percent.

    This was a major technological breakthrough -- a wireless projectile that contains a fully operational TASER circuit payload, packaged in a non-lethal 12-gauge shotgun round. This demonstration was the culmination of several years of intensive research and development funded through ONR. The XREP technology will now begin the transition from research to production.

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