Quotes about team-wise (16 Quotes)

    I think team-wise it helps me and the way they're trying to utilize me with touches and everything else, it helps me for the long haul, ... Our system works because every guy knows his role and does his job. It's not just me.

    Team-wise, it wasn't quite what we wanted to do, and I think the weather had a lot to do with it. But it was fun to have these five girls this year. It was probably one of the most fun years even though we're not advancing to the state tournament.

    Talent-wise, we could get back to that level. But character-wise, team-wise, do we have the moxie Last year we got there and went 38-10 in what we thought would be a rebuilding year. That was reached due to the 'team' concept they believed in.

    Another typical outstanding game for her. Team-wise, we played defense pretty well. We really took control of our own errors. We kept control of the ball.

    It is an honor. It's an honor to be a part of this group. This season was an incredible season. Personally it was good, but team-wise we didn't get to where we wanted to get. I'm looking forward to 2006 and hopefully having the opportunity to do it again.

    Not just that they've had good nights, but they let me focus team-wise. There's some consistency and it's nice you know count on them. I focus on my sophomores because I know I don't need to worry about them.

    She should stay right where she is. Katie's brilliant on the show. She's part of this amazing quartet that's the best in the business, team-wise. She's reaching millions of people, and she goes wherever she wants to.

    Out top five average was 1818 which was 42 seconds faster than last week. That's a nice improvement and I'm pretty happy with that. Our top five split was 50 seconds and our top seven was 59 seconds. Team-wise we were third in our division, but it was third overall. I thought we ran pretty well. We just got beat by a couple of good teams.

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