Quotes about teamsters (16 Quotes)

    The FOP is a fine fraternal organization, but when it comes to negotiate a contract, we are the Teamsters union, and that is what we are experienced at. They can go there to drink beer and have parties. That's fine.

    They have voted on it, ... They are voting today by walking the pavement, by letting the company know that they are not about to have any contract jammed down their throat. This is the new Teamsters. We do not operate as was done in the past.

    Why do the rich get even richer, while regular working Americans can't even hold onto their basic health care benefits. The head of United Technologies raked in 13.4 million in total compensation and cashed out 83.6 million in stock options and he wants to ax health care for the 3,600 teamsters on strike at Sikorsky.

    A prolonged shut down of spare parts production potentially endangers Army readiness. There's no way Sikorsky can maintain a high rate of production without the Teamsters on the line.

    We're still going to exist, still represent our membership and still provide legal aid. We will still provide lobbying on behalf of our membership. The only thing that has changed is that when it comes time to sit down at the table with Metro to discuss pay and pension, the Teamsters will be the ones who will have that burden with Metro.

    The Teamsters stood together in solidarity not just for ourselves and our families, but on behalf of all working Americans who find themselves slipping away from the middle class and the American dream. We will return to our jobs with our heads held high, knowing that our courageous actions against the power of big business in this country will ultimately make a difference.

    We're currently in multi-employer plans. We want it to be a single employer plan. It would be administered by both the Teamsters and UPS and our people would get the benefit of the dollars we're spending for their pensions and it would be a much more secure pension for them,

    These officers have spoken loud and clear to Metro -- they want to change the status quo. This day continues our broad initiative for the Teamsters to become the national voice for those special Americans who protect and serve us all. We are now ready, willing and able to go out and bring other units of police officers under the banner of the Teamsters. We have the knowledge, experience and determination to make sure that their dedication and their willingness to put their lives on the line every day does not go unrewarded.

    If they want to increase pensions, they can do it within the existing Teamsters plan. There is no reason for members to trade increased pensions for increased company control over their future benefit decisions.

    We're expecting anything from the Teamsters at any time. No day is a particularly good or bad day. We don't feel they have the numbers to seriously hurt this company. That's the bottom line. We are prepared.

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