Quotes about teases (14 Quotes)

    A lot of celebrities, especially when you're talking about the really big ones, live in what I call the fame bubble. Nobody ever says no to them or challenges them or even teases them.

    All fashions are charming, or rather relatively charming, each one being a new striving, more or less well conceived, after beauty, an approximate statement of an ideal, the desire for which constantly teases the unsatisfied human mind.

    Because these show are live, script pages are being switched during the program and new commercial teases might be yelled in your ear with just enough time to scribble them on scrap paper before reading them.

    The doctor found that he teases his father and helps to take care of his brother and plays what she called 'the proud big brother' role. He calls his stepmother 'Momma,' and they look and interact very much like a close-knit family.

    Snow The scene is the north lands. Thousands of li sealed in ice, en thousand li in blowing snow. From the Long Wall I gaze inside and beyond and see only vast tundra. Up and down the Yellow River the gurgling water is frozen. Mountains dance like silver snakes, hills gallop like wax bright elephants trying to climb over the sky. On days of sunlight the planet teases us in her white dress and rouge.

    What is it with these hamburger chains Are they so desperate to pump up lagging sales that they're resorting to vulgarity and strip teases to gain attention ... It's like Carl's Jr., Hardee's and Burger King have perverted seventh-grade boys running their ad campaigns.

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