Quotes about tendons (11 Quotes)

    These people are literally imprisoned in a second skeleton, ... It transforms muscles, tendons, ligaments -- connective tissues become sheathed in bone. It spans joints, locking them into place and rendering movement completely impossible.

    That was the game where I just couldn't do it anymore. There is a difference between being injured and being hurt and, in that game, I was hurt. I tore four tendons in my groin. I always felt like nothing could stop me from achieving my goals, but that injury did.

    Trying to perform at peak levels day after day on a travel or high school team can exert excessive strain on growing bones, muscles and tendons. This can have a negative impact on overall performance and enjoyment of the sport if injuries in young athletes are not treated properly.

    Mountains are to the rest of the body of the earth, what violent muscular action is to the body of man. The muscles and tendons of its anatomy are, in the mountain, brought out with force and convulsive energy, full of expression, passion, and strength.

    If they end up doing that, it could possibly lead to good things immediately, but in the long run, you just hope they're going to see the bad in it. I've had some buddies that played in the big leagues, and you see a lot more injuries now. These guys bulk up, and the tendons really can't handle all the muscle tissue that these guys put on.

    He's wrestled the entire season with torn ligaments and tendons in his ankle. He's had to wrestle with pain all year long. No one's really known about it, we've kept it quiet, but he goes out there and gives 100 percent.

    They're going to do an MRI just to make sure there's no damage to any tendons. I'm not sure when the MRI will be done probably in the next couple days. Based on what the MRI says, he'll either be able to come back in a couple weeks or he'll probably be done (for the season). Right now, we're looking at him being out a couple weeks. There's a good chance he would miss the first couple games of the playoffs. But we'll know more after the MRI is done.

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