Quotes about th-ranked (8 Quotes)

    We prepared very well for them. I thought we would play well, but I didn't think that we would win like this. They're the 10th-ranked defense in the country and we put up over 500 yards on them. They're a very good football team and we were able to dominate them. It's quite an achievement for us.

    We beat the 10th-ranked team in the country in Minnesota State-Moorhead. They had three ranked guys, and we beat two of them. One of their guys is ranked No. 1, and Blake Peterson beat him. Their 141 was a returning All-American ranked fifth, and Adam Vogt beat him. We beat a Div. I team that day, and we beat two more Div. II teams. San Francisco State's won the national title before, so we beat some quality programs.

    We played against the 18th-ranked team out of maybe 350 Division I programs, so we're talking maybe one of the 20 best teams in the country. Harvard is a very solid and very deep team. We played them tough.

    We have an enormous amount of room to get better. Are we the 75th-ranked team in the country Are we the second-ranked team in the country You know what, we're probably somewhere in the middle. Wherever that may be, it's probably fair.

    I didn't think about this second round against Lopez that I'm playing against the (34th-ranked) player in the world. I just tried to do my best on the court to win the match and just to go through.

    We didn't come out here and embarrass ourselves. That's the 15th-ranked team in the country. As I told our team, hopefully they understand that they can play with anybody. It's all about believing.

    Was Miami's 9-3, 2004 season a mere bump in the road or a sign of further trouble ahead We'll begin to find out Monday night when the No. 9 'Canes -- sporting their lowest preseason ranking in six years -- visit 14th-ranked Florida State for the teams' now-annual, season-opening grudge match. It's a very short distance from the White House to the outhouse, ... We're underneath the radar a little bit right now, though not far. I think our players would much rather read about us than some of those other teams, and it's going to be a little bit of a motivating factor.

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