Quotes about thank-you (15 Quotes)

    There were students from all over the world. Their professor asked them to write thank-you letters. Almost every one of them said, 'We have a story like...' When you share stories, you see the connecting points, which are gifts that connect us to each other. You learn that you don't have to be in conflict.

    My husband gave a battery of intelligence and personality tests to a job applicant. One question was, 'If you were given a million dollars, what would be the first thing you would buy' The young man replied, 'A thank-you card.'

    My role was to contact the celebrities. I knew that these people get so many requests that I really needed to do something that stood out. So I went to Hoffman's Chocolates and had them do a chocolate star. Then I put my letter on top of that. The first round I sent out 25 chocolate stars with letters packed in coolers. I figured everyone loves chocolate and it would get people's attention. Considering how many we sent out, the response has been pretty unbelievable. Courtney Cox sent a handwritten thank-you note. Isn't that incredible.

    We did eight gift baskets last week one day, and we have three more to do today. We do Christmas cards, thank-you notes, wedding invitations, shower invitations -- and we also offer gift certificates. If you want to buy your wife some of our time, you can do that.

    The party, which had to be postponed from Aug. 26 (Jenna's birthday) to the following Wednesday, went wonderfully, ... We talked, looked at pictures (of the trip) and Jenna and I handed out thank-you cards. And, we all cried.

    Just the fact that we've been able to have the community serve together in a way like never before. What can you say, what can you do but say thank you to the community, a huge thank-you to the community

    There's a lot of concern that this infrastructure bond becomes the nation's largest thank-you note to his political donors. What we're going to have to watch over the coming months is the influx of campaign money from the builder-developer community.

    The Google algorithm was a significant development. I've had thank-you emails from people whose lives have been saved by information on a medical website or who have found the love of their life on a dating website.

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