Quotes about thinners (5 Quotes)

    The doctors were responding to that first stroke properly with the use of blood thinners. It is unfair to critique them based on the information we have.

    That's how the superficial clot works. They end up turning into Swiss cheese. They break up, but stay in the same spot. They cover over with tissue so they don't dislodge and move in there. It's a stable situation and he's off of the blood thinners. The doctors are very optimistic about it and we will see how it goes.

    It may have been torn since then but recently tore more. We're not really sure but I'm completely fine. I stopped taking blood thinners recently and the doctors said I'll be fine. It was just a freak thing.

    The decision to put him on a blood thinner is a little questionable. I don't know the details of this case, but the use of blood thinners to prevent ischemic strokes those caused by clots has been challenged by several studies. It is a curious decision.

    If they hadn't given him blood thinners and he had another clot-related stroke - which could have happened - there would have been outrage and criticism that the doctors had not treated the first stroke aggressively enough.

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