Quotes about third-year (11 Quotes)

    That's why you have to give Edwards, the Jets' third-year coach, a lot of credit for his candor last Tuesday. Preseason games, for any coach, you do like this, ... All you want to know at the end of the day is if we made it, are we OK, are we healthy

    We have kids that range in ability from being third-year players to kids that have been playing since they were 4 years old. But they're all rising to the occasion, and overall, I think they're a superior group.

    Hes really stepped up and is turning the corner right now being a third-year wrestler. Hes really clicking and has picked up the intensity. Hes really crossed the line and (is) making some noise. He can get better, but he needs to get stronger.

    Jarrett knows the third-year driver is going to be a handful. That young man is the hottest driver out here, ... I told someone last week when talking about who would be a surprise for a championship that Kurt Busch is really a guy we're going to have to contend with.

    The decision was mutually arrived at. The make-up of that third-year option is not for us to discuss, but within that, Terry has decided that the option, allied with a testimonial, was not something that would benefit himself and his family.

    I thought he looked a lot like Shane Matthews. It was kind of eerie how much he looked like him. He looked like Shane Matthews as a second- or third-year player, not the first shot out of the cannon.

    I was pleased with representation on the committee. There were a variety of different opinions and we've successfully incorporated every member of the third-year class.

    She could do things on beam that I had no name for. As a third-year coach, I had visions of grandeur, thoughts of state championships dancing before me. I couldn't wait to work with someone at that level.

    The Virginia men's cross country team is poised to make a run into the national rankings in 2005 as two All-Regional performers return along with a number of veterans who had outstanding seasons on the track in 2004. Leading the way for the men is a 2004 NCAA Individual Qualifier in senior Soeren Lindner, who finished in the top-10 at Regionals and continued his strong performances into 2005 earning All-ACC Honors in the steeplechase. Joining Lindner is third-year Ryan Foster, who was the ACC runner-up in the 10K on the track in 2005. I expect Soeren and Ryan to be front-runners for us in 2005, ... Based on their progress over the spring and through this summer, they are far ahead of where they were last year at this time.

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