Quotes about thirsting (10 Quotes)

    All these things have you said of beauty. Yet in truth you spoke not of her but of needs unsatisfied, And beauty is not a need but an ecstasy. It is not a mouth thirsting nor an empty hand stretched forth, But rather a heart enflamed and a soul enchanted. It is not the image you would see nor the song you would hear, But rather an image you see though you close your eyes and a song you hear though you shut your ears. It is not the sap within the furrowed bark, nor a wing attached to a claw, But rather a garden for ever in bloom and a flock of angels for ever in flight. People of Orphalese, beauty is life when life unveils her holy face. But you are life and you are the veil. Beauty is eternity gazing at itself in a mirror. But you are eternity and your are the mirror.

    Echo Come to me in the silence of the night Come in the speaking silence of a dream Come with soft rounded cheeks and eyes as bright As sunlight on a stream Come back in tears, O memory, hope, love of finished years. Oh dream how sweet, too sweet, too bitter-sweet, Whose wakening should have been in Paradise, Where souls brim-full of love abide and meet Where thirsting longing eyes Watch the slow door That opening, letting in, lets out no more. Yet come to me in dreams, that I may live My very life again though cold in death Come back to me in dreams, that I may give Pulse for pulse, breath for breath Speak low, lean low, As long ago, my love, how long ago.

    It's not just the deep knowledge about the technical specs or functional attributes of IMS people are thirsting for. It's the more pragmatic, pre-planning domain knowledge they want.

    Moscow, breathing fire like a human volcano with its smouldering lava of passion, ambition and politics, its hurly-burly of meetings and entertainment. . . . Moscow seethes and bubbles and gasps for air. It's always thirsting for something new . . .

    If you go over desert and mountain, Far into the country of Sorrow, To-day and to-night and to-morrow, And maybe for months and for years You shall come with a heart that is bursting For trouble and toiling and thirsting, You shall certainly come to the fountain At length, -- to the Fountain of Tears.

    We have the largest Muslim nation in the world that has now elected a democratically positive president, that is thirsting for a stronger, better relationship with the United States , ... And for some reason we haven't responded as totally as we could.

    'And I just don't see any sign that the younger audience is thirsting for RB groups. They don't want it and they're not looking for it. And if they're not looking for it, it ain't gonna happen.

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