Quotes about three-week (15 Quotes)

    For the last three years, we've been doing 56 games in 11 days over a three-week period. The decision to condense the schedule really affected our approach this year.

    Tommy Franks and the coalition forces have demonstrated the old axiom that boldness on the battlefield produces swift and relatively bloodless victory. The three-week swing through Iraq has utterly shattered skeptics' complaints.

    The future of radiation tends to be what we call stereotactic radiation, which focuses on the tumor and applies large doses at one time as opposed to traditional radiation which is small doses over a longer time, ... There is a gamma knife that's dedicated to treating brain lesions where, instead of radiating the brain in a three-week period, it's a one-time focused, high-powered type treatment.

    If you go over, it's a three-week commitment. You have to go over a week early to have any kind of chance to do well, and then there's a week of the tournament, and a week after to recover.

    Your good lawyers realize that a good settlement is worth more than a good (jury) judgment. They don't appeal the settlement, and you get it quicker. If you can get just as much in six months with mediation as you're going to get in two years with a two- or three-week trial, you'd be foolish not to mediate the case.

    The Nasdaq, which is largely driven by tech stocks, has soared 24 percent in the past three-week period, so today we're seeing some profit-taking as the market is refreshing.

    The three-week break certainly isn't going to help any. At least this year, we don't have to sit around and wait. Two years ago, we beat Pfeiffer and then they got the bid and we spent three weeks practicing not knowing what's going to happen.

    The true numbers can only be guessed at. Thousands of Somalis arrive in Yemen every year, including an estimated average of 100 people per day during the annual September to March period of good sailing weather. Last September, UNHCR called for international action to stem the flow of desperate people across the Gulf of Aden after at least 150 people died in a three-week period.

    We had about a three-week stretch where we weren't playing very well at all. We thought we played well enough to beat Crook County, and it didn't work out, but we're playing better. We just need to bottle the passion we play with against Pendleton and use

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