Quotes about tisdale (4 Quotes)

    Obviously, the game plan has got to be to try to take the other four guys out and let Mike (Tisdale) get his. It worked three times this year and 27 times it didn't. Unfortunately, it worked (this game).

    Defensively, I thought that was our best effort all year. When you deal with a kid like Mike Tisdale who's seven foot and can do a lot of different things, you need a total team effort. I thought our guards really got after it and we made it hard to get it into Mike. And when we did that, Matt (Buren) was there to at least contain.

    He had a lot of influence on me as a basketball player and as a young adult. He taught me about hard work, discipline and respect. He treated the best player on the team and the last player on the team equally, so I never got special treatment. Coach Tisdale was a great family man and that's one of the things I took from him. He touched a lot of lives, including mine.

    We weren't going to let anyone else beat us. We knew Tisdale was going to get (his points). He's a very good player. ... I thought we did a great job of help defense and overall did just a great job on the defensive end.

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