Quotes about top-line (16 Quotes)

    You're not going to see the same rate of 7.5 top-line growth in 2006. But you'll still see mid-single-digit growth for advertising and circulation.

    The beat was based on a combination of strong top-line growth, increased equity income, and higher other revenue. Merck deserves credit for starting to take action to put itself back together again and investors are clearly taking up the story.

    The record results for the third quarter once again demonstrate the ability of GE's diverse mix of leading global businesses to deliver top-line growth, increased margins and strong cash generation.

    Our solid fourth quarter performance reflects our ongoing ability to execute consistent strategies for generating top-line growth, controlling costs and improving operational efficiency. We were successful in delivering a strong cash quarter as a result of our sharp focus on working capital improvements, particularly in accounts receivables and inventory reduction.

    Kodak plans to achieve top-line growth of 8 to 12 percent by 2004, ... That's an important part of achieving our average annual earnings per share growth target of at least 10 percent, over time.

    I think some of the sectors that have gotten beaten down the hardest probably offer some of the most promise now. The technology sector clearly, some of the health-care names, more the biotech and technology health-care names than the big pharmaceuticals. But what investors really want to own think are companies with very, very strong top-line growth, and there are very few industries that have those. The old leaders will probably be the new leaders again.

    Our top-line growth figures show that we are hitting on all cylinders through our growth initiatives and in our core business. And much of that top-line success is flowing to the bottom line, despite incurring higher-than-anticipated dilution from our growth initiatives. In short, as we near the finish line in our Qwest merger, we're continuing the transformation of U S West into a growth-oriented vehicle.

    We think we've added another top-line piece of the puzzle and a great talent. To get a guy like this I feel very blessed. There are many ways that this guy can help our team win basketball games.

    We've never forecasted earnings per share or profitability. We forecast a group of factors related to business fundamentals -- top-line revenue in a range, a range of gross margin, a range of expenses. Taking a long-term approach has worked for us.

    Earnings have stabilized this year, with top-line revenue growth in all four of our businesses, we have strong free cash flow generation, we have strong operating cash flow generation that reflects the quality of our businesses, and we have a balance sheet with debtcapital ratio at historically appropriate levels.

    We're looking to have the ability to come in and be able to capitalize on the marketing in order to grow the top-line. We basically leverage what has worked with our other successful acquisitions - investment in marketing, retention and student services.

    Our communications services revenue growth is being driven by continued strong top-line performance in data, Internet and international - three of the fastest growing and most profitable areas within communications services.

    This quarter we made further progress toward achieving consistent top-line growth in our business. It completes a transition year in which the company delivered solid unit case volume growth that was well balanced between carbonated soft drinks and non-carbonated beverages.

    The good news continue to be the fact that with growth in its Hollister division, a fast-growing Internet business, a new concept coming in the third quarter and flattish comps (sales compared to last year) in the core adult business, healthy top-line growth should be sustainable. Also, Abercrombie's men's business is finally beginning to show some life after three years of negative comparable sales.

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