Quotes about top-notch (16 Quotes)

    We think Santonio Holmes is a great player, ... Early last year, he was about the only guy that was making plays for us. The people we played against saw that and put more attention on him. Some of our young guys then got a little more involved and that eased the burden off Santonio a little bit. If we can get to the point where we can recognize that he is being singled, we need to go to Santonio Holmes, because from a receiver standpoint he's top-notch.

    I guess if we can't be first, we might as well be second. There's no shame in losing to (Lancaster). That's a top-notch basketball team. They're a tough, hard-nosed competitive team.

    I don't understand how he got in it. I wonder if he had a heart attack or blacked out. This guy kept everything in top-notch shape. He was on the ball. He didn't allow anybody to do things unless it was according to the OSHA code.

    The shortage of employees is due to sales growth and retiree replacement. There also have been misperceptions about the dealership work environment. Dealerships have become high-tech facilities requiring highly skilled staff and needing top-notch employees with computer and technical skills. Today's new vehicles are very sophisticated and so are our customers. Internet savvy consumers do research before visiting the dealership and demand first-class service and attention.

    It got to that point in the late 1970s, early 1980s the president at that point wanted to incorporate a top-notch basketball program. I think Rod Strickland got a few of his friends to come and we offered scholarships to them and slowly over the next 20 years we have developed the No. 1 basketball program in the country.

    We are excited to work with such a top-notch team with the demonstrated ability to deliver projects with design excellence, innovation and usability.

    In this ever-changing world, it's more important than ever that our top-notch military continues to receive the resources needed to serve and protect our country.

    Always start the day with a positive attitude. Create a bright attitude by listening to upbeat music, exercising in the morning, playing with your children or pets and avoiding stressful situations whenever possible. Maintaining a positive attitude is one simple technique for creating top-notch customer service that will set your casino apart from the competition.

    Our hanging chairs have been a successful category for pool and spa dealers across the country. We wanted to add a dedicated sales professional to serve this segment, and Jason impressed us with his high degree of self motivation, excellent communications skills and proven ability to provide top-notch customer service.

    As a baseball operation, we are seeking to carry on the Dodgers' long tradition of developing top-notch players. This honor directly reflects on the job that amateur scouting director Logan White and player development director Terry Collins and their entire staffs have done in finding and cultivating the talent of these young players.

    Rush has done some top-notch quality work, and we're very, very pleased with them. We really enjoy working with them. They are on time and on budget, which makes me happy.

    We are extremely fortunate to have John, a top-notch executive with more than 25 years of experience in the service-oriented retail business, as the new leader of Blockbuster Entertainment,

    There is nothing more important to our Nation's future, to our homeland security, and to our economy than ensuring we have a top-notch educational system that is the envy of the world.

    We've got 5,500 of the best outdoor-oriented recreation folks and business people to be found in the United States. Top-notch people who have made there avocation their vocation.

    Each year, I have the honor of recommending young men and women for appointment to the U. S. military Academies, ... This is an opportunity for a top-notch education for the right kind of student.

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