Quotes about torii (6 Quotes)

    It's been tough, seeing some of the faces in the clubhouse that know him personally, the life is drained out of them. Seeing Torii Hunter today made me a little emotional to see how shook he was. It's definitely a tough day.

    It did hit me this year after Jacque Jones signed with the Cubs that I've got Torii as the last guy of position players left from when I started managing. Four years and only one position player -- that's amazing.

    Without him, at the end of the season, we did get separated. Torii was the guy that would say something if things got out of hand and without him there, no one stepped up to do the same thing.

    He's going to be out a good amount of time. I'm not going to say he's going to be out for the rest of the season because Torii bounces back pretty good. But you add it all up, and it's close.

    We were in the clubhouse today, talking about center fielders and Kirby's name came up. He's one of those special dudes. I knew he had the stroke, and I was asking if you could go the hospital to see him. They said he was in intensive care, that it was just for family. ... Now he's gone. That's crazy. I didn't even know. The last time I saw him was when the Mets played in Minnesota. I went to dinner with him -- me, Kirby, Jacque Jones and Torii Hunter. I'm sure Torii's tore up. It's so sad.

    Whenever we play the Twins, Torii Hunter has a major impact on defense. He tells the left fielder and the right fielder to take the day off and he covers the whole outfield.

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