Quotes about torontos (7 Quotes)

    I would have been totally surprised had it not been a team that had been speculated practically since the Vince Carter trade. Everybody understands Toronto's actively in a rebuilding mode.

    I tell you what, Toronto's got a scrappy, young team, ... They kicked our butts on the boards early in the game and they just keep coming at you. The young guys really give them a spark and I didn't think Graham was going to miss at first and then they just started hurting us on the boards. It's a good scrappy team and we were lucky to get out of it with the win.

    Definitely Toronto's going to be on my list because they're the first team that's shown me the love and also given me the opportunity to be able to showcase who I am as a player.

    Toronto's Jalen Rose, appearing on Best Damn Sports Show Period, ... I'm pretty sure I've never heard anybody in professional sports make a comment so negative that early in the season. ... The Bad News Bears coach wouldn't even tell them that.

    Today's survey results confirm Toronto's status as a top-tier festival for international business and deal-making, ... International buyers clearly recognize Toronto as one of the world's premiere festivals to discover and buy the best cinema from across the globe.

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