Quotes about towed (9 Quotes)

    The cop told her to walk, get in the Jeep, sit down, quit walking back and forth saying that 'You're going to have this man's truck towed.' You can't tow it and she's going 'Yes I can. I'm gonna. You're gonna see. It's gonna get towed.'.

    I towed a couple down the mountain to Auburn and they gave me five different credit cards and none of them were any good. They didn't have any money.

    We're reaching out right now to find out where they all are. We've contacted many of them, but we're still running ads in local newspapers. We've even taken out banners towed by airplanes.

    I said, 'Can I get you some fresh towels He had some story about his car being towed and how it was going to cost him 60 dollars to tow it around the corner.

    Our luck You noticed anything in particular about our luck these past few days Any kind of pattern You depend on luck, end up on the drift, no fuel, no prospects, begging for alliance make-work and towed out to the scrap belt. Well, that ain't us. Not eve

    One of the drivers told me about his situation. He stopped the bus with some difficulty and then it slid sideways, kitty-corner across the intersection, and had to be towed away from the curb.

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