Quotes about township (15 Quotes)

    We're very excited. We are pleased that we were able to work something out. . . . Both sides were in agreement we wanted to do the best for Washington Township and the students of Washington Township, and we think we found a way to do that.

    The appeal is what it is. Meantime the parties are working to come to a common agreement. I appreciate the township is listening to its constituents. A settlement would save everyone a lot of time and trouble.

    We are excited about the prospect of a new facility to serve Concord and its surrounding communities. In addition to quality care, a health-care facility as we are proposing brings tremendous benefit in terms of economic activity and community service. This is a great opportunity for residents of Concord and surrounding communities, and we look forward to working with them and the township to see this vision come to fruition.

    The neighbors could be as mad as they want, but I'm not running a business at the house. It's just a location. It will never get me out of here, because I don't have offices set up at my house, and that's what the township thinks.

    We encourage the Libertarian Party of Central New Jersey to meet with the newly appointed township attorney, the township clerk and representatives of the administration to arrive at a mutually agreeable change.

    Releasing such a statement to the media (on Tuesday) before the township even had a chance to see the documents in question showed a distinct lack of courtesy and respect by the department. Creating media frenzy did not serve anyone's best interest and undermined efforts for good faith discussions based on preparation, planning and good sound scientific advice.

    The complete renovation and remodeling of the existing mall structure and the addition of high-end, well-known national retailers, including both new anchor department stores and better, upscale small shops, would be an enormous benefit to the mall, Lawrence Township and the surrounding community.

    In the opinion of our legal counsel, an informational meeting does not violate the Sunshine Law. We were not asking township officials to take an action. This was an opportunity to explain where (the permit) stands so we can answer questions.

    We really need to create an ordinance that will compliment our township aesthetics, but that also will let business owners get the word out about their specials. And we want to hear from everyone - residents, business owners - on how they think we can do that.

    Frank has been the financial conscious of this township. I served with him on the pension committee. His mind and his way with numbers is extraordinary. That has been a great benefit to this community.

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