Quotes about trespassing (13 Quotes)

    The ownership of land is an odd thing when you come to think of it. How deep, after all, can it go? If a person owns a piece of land, does he own it all the way down, in ever narrowing dimensions, till it meets all other pieces at the center of the earth? Or does ownership consist only of a thin crust under which the friendly worms have never heard of trespassing?

    Students were aware that there was a risk of arrest for trespassing. That said, we certainly hoped that the university wouldn't respond to the students' actions by arresting them. We were in the midst of what we thought was good faith substantive dialogue.

    We feel very sorry for the family. It's a tragic circumstance. People should know that trespassing on a railroad track can have fatal consequences, as this incident so tragically points out.

    We have had some discussions with staff at the Justice Department regarding eBay and the online trading business generally. We believe the contact with DOJ may have been prompted by auction listing aggregators, such as Bidder's Edge...our dispute with Bidder's Edge fundamentally is a commercial one that concerns eBay's right to prevent unauthorized trespassing into its computer system, can use eBay content in a manner which confuses and misleads eBay users.

    It's a last-ditch effort to divide us from their employees before the election on May 16. If we were trespassing, we'd be moved. If we were threatening people, we'd be arrested.

    We don't have too many problems once the signs go up. They know that if they are found in an area that is posted as no trespassing they are going to spend a night in jail.

    Do you know the pretext this time (Washington) is saying that Iraq is threatening the American aircraft of aggression, which break through its air, trespassing upon its skies, sovereignty, land, people and wealth,

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