Quotes about tryouts (11 Quotes)

    I lost to my brother during tryouts, so I had to cut down to 103 pounds to have a spot on the varsity lineup. I had never experienced that kind of competition before, so it was a tough adjustment, but I did all right.

    We're all excited to be back as coaches to work with this group. We know we have some real good Bantams coming up, so the tryouts are going to be super competitive. The whole group comes back and this is going to be that much more of a strong team.

    I had no idea how difficult Sondheim's music would be. All through the rehearsals, I kept flubbing. There were so many tempo changes. I could never get through the opening number without any mistakes. One day, I went up to Hal Prince and offered to leave the show. He laughed it off. He said, "Don't be silly. That's why we have tryouts."

    We were walking into the rink on the second day of tryouts and he told me just before we went on the ice. It was one of those moments when everything freezes and the world just seems to be spinning around you.

    I had never thought about playing volleyball until my freshman year, ... But Small stopped me in the hallway. 'Come play volleyball for us.' Tryouts were the next day.

    The big thing for me right now is to get organized. Tryouts are Monday and I probably know four or five of the kids' names. I've been used to coaching club teams that had the best players in Utah and playing against the top players in the country, so it will be a little bit of a change to coach kids from different ages from freshman to seniors with different abilities. I'm excited about it.

    When I came to live in the United States in February 1996, I came looking for Luis, ... He received me in his house and it was a nice reunion. I heard he was going to baseball tryouts in Coral Springs, so I went with him.

    It helps tremendously. Sometimes, when we are having problems with lacrosse, we can talk about those problems, like during tryouts we were real nervous and we talked about keeping calm on the field.

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