Quotes about turbines (15 Quotes)

    That was a good site for that wind farm on the hills behind Kennewick. They get average wind speeds of 14 to 16 miles per hour consistently so they have a good power factor for those wind turbines.

    We are seeing an incredible growth in demand for wind turbines as more countries seek to expand their renewable energy production to help reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and improve their energy security.

    As we said in December, we believe that growth in our short-cycle businesses such as GE Plastics and NBC, continued growth at GE Capital, and savings from our initiatives will more than offset the falloff in sales of GE Power Systems gas turbines that we anticipate.

    The overall business-spending picture looks grim because airlines are not buying aircraft and power-generating firms are not buying turbines, ... Aside from those things, there's a broad-based acceleration going on -- spending on almost every category of goods except those two is looking normal. Behind the scenes, there's a normal cyclical process building.

    I've talked about Key Energy Group for a while, and Capstone is one of the companies that's building these micro turbines that I think actually just reported last week and had a more negative number than expected because they've ramped up some of their production, As a result, that hit their expense line, ... But I think that's a good idea going forward.

    In a residential area you just don't see turbines - there must be a reason why there are only eleven in Ontario. I am concerned about the value of my property and the noise. On a clear day when there is an offshore breeze I can hear everything on the highway, I will be able to hear the turbine.

    For example, in 2006 GE is expanding its line of wind turbines by launching its new multi-megawatt turbine platform in Europe, followed by a similar U.S. and Asia commercial roll-out in 2008.

    The legislation allows for communities to buy their power supply from third-party vendors, ... Hull, which owns its own power plant, is different because it has the wind turbines.

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