Quotes about turin (16 Quotes)

    Dear Organizing Committee, friends and partners, you have succeeded brilliantly in meeting your challenge. These were truly magnificent Games. We say a heartfelt thank you to Italy, Piedmont and Turin.

    I think it is a really good opportunity to show off Vancouver to the world. He's gone from having everything done for him and now there he is in Turin accepting the Olympic flag for Canada.

    The Beijing Games are just tantalizing for corporations. I'm not sure if they're downplaying Turin, but they certainly are shifting their focus. It does seem like there's a disproportionate amount of attention being paid to Beijing.

    The Turin Olympics made us further realize that to develop winter sports is a long-drawn and arduous task. Since we have achieved satisfactory results in the foreign-coached events, such as the freestyle aerials and cross-country skiing, we are considering inviting more high-level foreign coaches to help us in the future.

    A year ago I was in the city of Genoa, and I found that it returned seven representatives to the Sardinian Parliament at Turin, seven being its fair share, calculated according to the population of the various cities and districts of the Sardinian kingdom.

    I had a great conversation with Wayne as I jumped on the plane to come to Turin and Wayne's excited. He's really excited about coming here to Turin and heading the men's team. Wayne should be here. He's been the leader of this team from day one.

    It's on the Black Sea. It was a traditional summer resort for the old Soviet Union. It's at the foothills of the Caucasus Mountains. In one of the pictures in the bid you see palm trees and snow. The city is in the 50s in the winter and then you have better snow there than in Turin.

    China is still a winter sports fledgling, but we worked quite hard these years. The winter sport in China has developed very fast, especially the last four years, and we hope the Chinese delegation will make strong show in Turin.

    The 2006 Olympic Winter Games have been a great success for Canada. We set an aggressive goal of a top-three finish at these Games and we will leave Turin having achieved that goal.

    Our athletes' performance in Turin will help us forge partnership with more international and domestic companies. Company sponsorship and the sports lottery should be important financial sources for China's winter sports.

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