Quotes about tweaked (16 Quotes)

    We tweaked the lineup a little and everybody who got a chance jumped in and took advantage. We finally got out of that hitters' graveyard, Coors Field. That's the beauty of this game. You don't know what to expect.

    (Josh is) day-to-day. He kind of tweaked his leg a little bit but right now, talking to the doctor and Josh, I expect him back. The doctor told me (Keith) just kind of tweaked his knee a little bit and like Josh, he's pretty much day-to-day.

    One of the things we really focus on is building our offense and trying to erase the turnovers. We tweaked our offense a little and did a better job of passing and sharing and moving the basketball.

    Before he came to Spring Training, he strained it a little bit. He slightly re-injured it in the World Baseball Classic. He came back and was feeling all right, but he slid into first the other day and kind of tweaked it again.

    There's a powerful franchise there. If they can get the right cost structure, the model does not have to be tweaked too much. Hopefully they won't have to sell assets. If you start having to sell strategic assets, you have a slow liquidation the way Pan Am did.

    White people in this country are tweaked. We are raised to believe a myth of White superiority. Malcolm X, in The Autobiography of Malcolm X, said that White people's belief that they are 'superior' in some way is so deeply rooted that these things are in the national White subconscious.

    Conditioning has always been an important part of C.C.'s game, mainly more than most because he's such a big guy. He's been consistent with it and as strong as he's every been. ... As electric as it was other night, he probably tried to reach back and do a little more and tweaked it.

    It puts a lot more pressure on the type of players that we recruit. We have to get players who we feel are committed to get that degree before they leave. But we know that in our sport the trend is two years max before trying it as a professional. It just needs to keep being tweaked every year. The system now is really going to penalize baseball, basketball and football, and that's not fair to those programs.

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