Quotes about two-state (14 Quotes)

    Americans should not impose a solution, but this administration will finally have to make it clear what its vision for a two-state solution is. Just saying 'a two-state solution' is too ambiguous. The vision has to spell out the details on final status issues such as Palestinian refugees, borders and Jerusalem.

    Israel is presenting 3,000 reasons why it is undermining the peace process, ... This will destroy the possibility of a Palestinian state and the two-state solution.

    I think there is a widespread recognition across the whole of the Middle East, including in Israel, ... that the only viable and safe solution to the terrible conflict in the Middle East is a two-state solution -- a secure state of Israel alongside a viable and democratic state of Palestine.

    Ever since accepting the Road Map and the idea of a two-state solution in 2003, Sharon has realized that all settlements in Gaza would have to be dismantled under any final-status agreement. What Sharon has been emphasizing to his opponents is that by evacuating them now, he gets badly-needed brownie points with the international community, which loves the fact that we're withdrawing from Gaza.

    To pull out of Gaza is not a policy, it is a step. Whether it is a step in the right direction toward a two-state solution or at least a step toward hope, we don't know.

    In his speech, Cheney said a solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict would be critical to winning the broader war on terrorism. Although he said Israel should avoid actions that undermine the long-term viability of a two-state solution, ... Peace will not be achieved by Palestinian rulers who intimidate opposition, tolerate and profit from corruption and maintain ties to terrorist groups.

    I have not heard much support for the two-state solution. Most of the Palestinians I have asked wish that they could live in a single, democratic state with equal rights for Jews and non-Jews.

    Because we are a two-state area, this kind of competition is unavoidable. Corporations are very sophisticated, and they're going to seek all the options they can because that's what's advantageous to them.

    I think we have 3,000 more obstacles to peace and we will have, if this program is carried out, 3,000 reasons to undermine President Bush's efforts for a two-state solution.

    We have a close, unshakable bond between the United States and Israel, and between the American and Israeli people. We share common values and a commitment to a democratic future for the world, and we are both committed to a two-state solution. But that doesn't mean that we're going to agree.

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