Quotes about tylers (8 Quotes)

    It hurt us with him going down. That's a lot of points. We've been telling (Walker) to shoot the ball all year. Tyler's a shooter too and a great player. He's worked hard this year so I'm glad he had a great game.

    We probably should take some more shots down the field. We need to give those guys an opportunity, and Tyler's got to get the confidence that if he puts the ball up, his guy's going to go up and compete for it and come down with it.

    When you're on the bench and you see Tyler's off-balance, holding the guy off with one arm, throwing the ball up with his right hand and getting fouled and making it That's pretty impressive. And he's a freshman also On top of that, it's incredible.

    Tyler's play speaks for itself. He's a monster down there. When we give him the ball, he scores. When we shoot it, he goes and gets it and he rebounds and he scores.

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