Quotes about uci (12 Quotes)

    This is a now a matter between the UCI and the BCU, not between the athlete and the UCI, so I'm sure the BCU will need a serious presence of experts to present their case when the time comes.

    Pound questioned the UCI's willingness to fully investigate L'Equipe's allegations and wondered whether the cycling body was merely looking for a scapegoat. We're waiting to see whether they have a commitment to get at the truth and the whole truth before we decide to participate further in the investigation, ... If one of the issues that the UCI wants to explore is how some of this information became public, that's fine. But we're not prepared to sit by and participate in an investigation that focuses only on how the information became public.

    UCI took the necessary action to protect the integrity of its sport, ... This decision shows that sport is committed to protecting the rights of all clean athletes and that no athlete is above the rules.

    Approximately 50 cases will be consolidated in this action. The common facts that link the cases include that patients were denied vital information regarding the floundering transplant program at UCI.

    The organisers have done a fantastic job all week given the volume of traffic we have in this country but the UCI (International Cycling Union) have certain standards and at the moment they aren't meeting them.

    It's ... quite clear the only way there could have been a match between the code numbers and a particular athlete was on the basis of information supplied by the UCI.

    We were only formed after these events took place in 1999. We are unable to answer questions of what may have been on the minds of the UCI or the lab.

    The international performances of our top athletes over the next two years will determine the number of Olympic start positions we are awarded as a nation. The participation of our top athletes in the UCI World Cup calendar is critical in this process and we are committed to supporting their efforts.

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