Quotes about unambiguous (16 Quotes)

    Mr. Greenspan said next to nothing about the current economic situation in his testimony, ... does not sound to us like a signal he has changed his mind on the appropriateness of the current level of interest rates. The rest of the testimony was a clear and unambiguous plea to Congress not to abandon fiscal discipline.

    If there were to be clear and unambiguous evidence that (Yugoslav President Slobodan) Milosevic was meeting the conditions, and that he seemed to be doing so, then we would consider a bombing pause to allow an orderly withdrawal of his forces,

    Today's agreement by the White House and congressional leaders means that interrogators will be given clear, unambiguous rules to follow. The fog of law is finally lifting. America's moral black eye is finally healing.

    Today further EU targeted sanctions on Syria come into force. The message is clear and unambiguous: those responsible for the repression will be singled out and held accountable.

    I'm quite sure that if President Ahtisaari does go to Belgrade, he will carry a firm message that he's not there to negotiate, that he's there to obtain from Milosevic an unambiguous, clear and verifiable pledge that Belgrade is willing not simply to accept the principles of the G-8 but to put them into practice.

    In our numerous consultations with our domestic textile and apparel industries and members of Congress, we heard unambiguous calls for a more comprehensive approach to textile trade with China, ... As a result, we will commence negotiations on a broad agreement with the Chinese.

    We are obviously gratified by the unanimous ruling of the Florida Supreme Court, ... The Supreme Court's clear and unambiguous ruling, that the counties are authorized to proceed with the manual recount, is a victory for everyone who wants to see the votes counted fully and fairly here in Florida.

    In its zeal to prop up its allegations against the president, the Office of the Independent Counsel ... intentionally omitted direct, exculpatory testimony, paraphrased unambiguous statements to obscure their plain meaning, and systematically resolved conflicting testimony in its favor,

    Unfortunately it makes the unambiguous determination of triplets by these methods much more difficult than would be the case if there were only one triplet for each amino acid.

    The key is for the U.S. to send an unambiguous signal that it wants to see a cooling-off period, ... Especially until it is clear what kind of policies, what kind of government Sharon will be able to put together.

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