Quotes about undermanned (11 Quotes)

    The press needs the police and the police need the press. We all know our police departments are severely undermanned and they rely on the community. If the community is aware of what's going on and takes the bull by the horn with police, crime will diminish and fear will diminish.

    Justin is also a good player. He saw a lot of ice-time last season as a freshman. We were kind of undermanned. He did an admirable job, and this year he's picked up where he left off. He's doing a nice job.

    Well, we won a basketball game. They helped us out because they were undermanned. They played more aggressively than we did. They executed better. They were sharper. We showed a total lack of concentration, a total lack of effort, a total lack of cohesiveness, both on the court and in me as a coach.

    The National Guard that I joined was strategic reserve -- deliberately under-resourced, deliberately undermanned and deliberately under-equipped. That was part of our national military strategy.

    This was a typical 9 a.m. game, and it looked that way, but we'll take it. I think we thought that Newark was a little weaker than what they were, but they did a great job and stepped up with an undermanned team. We need wins, so we'll take it.

    It was critical for us to get off to a good start against a team that was a little undermanned. I shoot the ball. ... People who know and watch the game know what you can do. If you get praised for it or not, it is irrelevant for me.

    It's just the way we've chosen to deal with it. What's there to talk about The reality is that we're undermanned in a lot of areas. We're in the best league in the country. We don't have to read the paper to know that all the teams we play are quality teams.

    They're so fast on defense, ... We're undermanned and undersized. We can't play teams that have that type of quickness and skills. We tried everything on offense. They're as good as anybody I've seen in a while. I knew we would have more trouble with their defense than their offense.

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