Quotes about underscores (16 Quotes)

    The tremendous growth in search underscores it as a fundamental advertising and public relations medium that has to be considered alongside other ad and PR venues, rather than being an afterthought. The growth also makes the New York event all the more critical for anyone and everyone looking to gain further traction in this surging market. Those not already in it are falling further behind. Those who are taking part face stronger competition for limited search inventory and rising prices. Our conference helps both groups get ahead.

    With millions of people walking through the National Museum of the American Indian, there is a solid vehicle at the national level to expose people to Indian arts and crafts. This underscores what we have known all along, that these museums are important but they serve a regional rather than a national audience. It is more appropriate for a regional entity to manage them.

    The Federal Reserve's participation in the Image Payments Network, along with the participation of an increasing number of banks, reinforces the fact that image exchange is no longer a vision, but rather a real strategic opportunity to streamline operations and reduce costs. The Fed's ability to send images through the Image Payments Network will accelerate the movement toward image exchange and underscores the important role that the Image Payments Network is playing in this new era of digital check images.

    The number underscores economic strength in the country. Bank of Canada may continue its hawkish stance. This is supportive to the Canadian dollar.

    This prime contract is one of the most significant network integration and optical wins for Lucent in the government space. This award underscores our ability to deliver communications solutions -- combining both products and integration services -- that meet the highly specific needs of our government customers.

    Microsoft has a history of successful collaboration with Apple, and this agreement underscores our commitment to the Mac platform. We've had many years of success with Office for Mac, and this formal commitment confirms that we're in the Mac business for the long haul.

    The Dallas CVB has created this site to speak directly to the interests of GLBT travelers. It's an approach that underscores our city's accepting, gay-friendly environment. We understand that the GLBT traveler wants to know if they are going to a place that welcomes them unconditionally, and this website is our city's answer. Yes.

    This action underscores our determination to do everything possible to fight drug traffickers, undermine their operations, and end the suffering that trade in illicit drugs inflicts on Americans and people around the world,

    The closeness of the election underscores the importance of the next president to unite rather than divide and to work with Democrats and Republicans alike to accomplish the goals put forward in the campaign.

    Unauthorized filling of wetlands and damming of open waters can have serious environmental consequences. The Santa Clara River is one of the last free-flowing rivers in Southern California. The EPA's action today underscores our commitment to protecting this very important water resource and to work closely with the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers and other resource agencies to achieve this goal.

    This agreement marks the beginning of a new era of partnership between two of the world's premier financial services brands. The addition of the American Express card to the existing Bank of America product offerings, coupled with the suite of affinity card products offered by MBNA, underscores the power of our franchise to provide our customers with unparalleled choice and convenience.

    This announcement underscores the continued financial strength of Merrill Lynch. Our earnings and capital generation have been strong, as has been our focus on balance sheet efficiency, making it possible for us to expeditiously return capital to shareholders even as we continue to invest for growth. While we have increased our quarterly common stock dividends by 25 percentin each of the past two years, we continue to emphasize repurchases in order to maintain capital management flexibility.

    We are absolutely thrilled to be working with General Motors. GM's investment in Cure Autism Now will significantly impact our ability to fund research and develop more effective treatments for autism. Having an endorsement from one of the world's largest and most successful corporations really underscores that autism is a national crisis and community cause, deserving of corporate support.

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