Quotes about undifferentiated (8 Quotes)

    The New York Times ran a Tom Tomorrow cartoon sneering about Americans who believe with 'unwavering faith in an invisible omniscient deity who favors those born in the middle of the North American land mass.' This is how liberals conceive of America an undifferentiated land mass in the middle of North America.

    Ripe vegetables were magic to me. Unharvested, the garden bristled with possibility. I would quicken at the sight of a ripe tomato, sounding its redness from deep amidst the undifferentiated green. To lift a bean plant's hood of heartshaped leaves and discover a clutch of long slender pods handing underneath could make me catch my breath.

    True emptiness exists when the mind is clear and all forms have disappeared. Externally, there are no objects. Internally, there is no mind. There is only emptiness. In this state even emptiness does not exist. In true emptiness there is no space, no desire, no will there are no appearances, no thoughts. All realms of existence are dissolved. In absolute stillness there is no self and no other. There is only Earlier Heaven in its undifferentiated whole.

    While living, apparently, as modern men and women, using electric fans and electric irons, telephones and trains, and aeroplanes, when they can afford it, they nourish in their hearts a deep contempt for the childish conceit and bloated hopes of our age, and for the various recipes for saving, mankind, which zealous philosophers and politicians thrust into circulation. They know that nothing can save mankind, for mankind is reaching the end of its present cycle. The wave that carried it, for so mane millenniums, is about to break, with all the fury of acquired speed, and to merge once more into the depth of the unchanging Ocean of undifferentiated existence. It will rise again, some day, with abrupt majesty, for such is the law of waves. But in the meantime nothing can be done to stop it.

    When operating systems began integrating features that were in other systems, they were well on the road to becoming undifferentiated from each other. With widgets, they see an opportunity to win users by being unique in how free content is pulled into the system.

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