Quotes about unmet (15 Quotes)

    This initiative is a unique opportunity to help policy makers monitor the unmet needs of people whose lives were, and may continue to be, severely impacted by this unprecedented disaster. Following 911, policy makers have wanted to have just this kind of

    What the tribes are dealing with, it's not a pretty picture. One of the things we want to do is support the police and try to bring about the unmet needs that these tribal law enforcement deserve and should have, since they're on the front lines standing in harm's way day in and day out and we owe them as much to have all the resources they need to do their jobs.

    We gained national attention because of the way our Unmet Needs Committee worked together. When we walked in that room and sat down at the table, agency agendas were put away to help people who needed it most.

    Biotech takes big risks in areas of unmet need and they do that in an innovative way, ... As Capt. James Kirk of the fictional starship Enterprise says, it's not afraid to go where nobody else has gone before.

    Studies have shown that high unmet need is a barrier to college for many low-income students. The bill will gradually lower charges for some students, known as origination fees, over the next five years.

    We have a responsibility as a state to protect our most vulnerable citizens: our children, seniors, people with disabilities. That is our moral obligation. But there is an economic justification too - we all pay when the basic needs of our citizens are unmet.

    I realized there was a vacuum, an unmet need for an organization that could stitch together all of the stakeholders into a unified voice. I created this nonprofit organization to fill that need,

    These medications have been used safely and effectively for decades. Our program responds to an unmet need -- we will give parents greater control to get optimum treatment for their children.

    It is our hope that, during the workshops, people will make suggestions for new programs or articulate an unmet need. A designated recorder will be taking notes and presenting any suggestions andor recommendations at the closing session. An evaluation form will also be available, in case someone is too shy to speak up.

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