Quotes about unremarkable (6 Quotes)

    It simply tells a story about two rather unremarkable men and their tragedy. It doesn't wave a banner of triumph over any lifestyle. It is a story about life. A realistic story, and a very sad story.

    All of our wins have been pretty skinny wins and we've had to work hard for them. To look at our play, it's been quite unremarkable to this stage and I don't know that there's a lot there to suggest we're about to break open and do something special this weekend.

    New York is one of the capitals of the world and Los Angeles is a constellation of plastic, San Francisco is a lady, Boston has become Urban Renewal, Philadelphia and Baltimore and Washington wink like dull diamonds in the smog of Eastern Megalopolis, and New Orleans is unremarkable past the French Quarter. Detroit is a one-trade town, Pittsburgh has lost its golden triangle, St. Louis has become the golden arch of the corporation, and nights in Kansas City close early. The oil depletion allowance makes Houston and Dallas naught but checkerboards for this sort of game. But Chicago is a great American city. Perhaps it is the last of the great American cities.

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